Vigini Whitening & Lightening Intimate Hygiene Gel Wash
Vigini 100% Natural Actives Vaginal Intimate Lightening Whitening Feminine Hygiene Deodorant Gel Wash for Women Non Staining & Itching like Serum Cream Oil, Moisturizr Maintains pH Reduces Hyper Pigmentation Melanin Production & Restores Natural color (Aloe Vera Oak Gall TulsiNeemExt) Tea Tree Oil & Lactic Acid is a combination of Herbs, Prevents Itching, Reduces Dryness, Acts as a Moisturizer, Whitening Lightening effective wash maintains pH 3.5 Removes foul smell and Decreases Intimacy Inhibition. Vigini Whitening intimate Vaginal Feminine wash for women scores over Intimate Whitening lightening Serum Cream as wash cleanses and removes dead cells gives a feeling of cleanliness around intimatearea. Unlike intimate cream serum or oil which stays on longer duration on the skin causing itching and staining. Vigini Intimate whitening lightening wash gel gives a clean bright fresh feel of Intimate area.No Bleaching Agent, No Added Colour,NoParaben,NoSulphates,No Added Colors & Fragrance, No Mineral Oil and is Hypoallergenic. ViginiIntimate Whitening Lightening wash provides multiple benefits with one single product. With its ingredients like Amla, Tulsi and Cucumber extract it helps in lightening dark spots and whitening the skin tone of your private part. Lactic acid maintains necessary pH balance and ingredients like Tea Tree oil have antiseptic properties which helps in preventing fungal infections treat rashes and itching. Its natural ingredients are very safe to use and avoids any unnecessary usage of chemicals.
Enriched with Natural Active ingredients for Intimate Whitening LighteningBrighteningwith balanced pH helps maintains hygiene, prevents infection, burning sensation & maintains Odour free Vagina and Intimate Area.
Vigini Intimate Lightening Whitening is good to be used for Intimate Lightening Whitening Wash for Men.Can be used comfortably in over sweating unlike cream serum or oil and is washable comfortably leaving fresh clean cool odor free sensation. A small quantity is required per application thus lasts Longer.
Good Personal Hygiene is the most important when it comes of healthy lifestyle, unfortunately it is the most neglected. A common belief is that just using a soap/shower gel shall keep our Vagina healthy as well as young, but we fail to realize that issues like ageing, hyper pigmentation and infections cannot be resolved without use of proper products designed scientifically and naturally. Correct awareness is the need of the hour to tackle these intimate issues.
How VIGINI Lightening Intimate Feminine Wash helps:
Vigini Whitening wash provides multiple benefits with one single product. With its ingredients like Amla, Tulsi and Cucumber extract it helps in lightening dark spots and whitening the skin tone of your private part. Lactic acid maintains necessary pH balance and ingredients like tea tree oil have antiseptic properties which helps in preventing fungal infections and treat rashes and itching. Its natural ingredients are very safe to use and avoids any unnecessary usage of chemicals.
Easy to carry and easy to use pack is very handy and can be used anywher
Lightening Intimate Feminine Wash
Oops!!!! My vagina is dark, do I need to get worried?
Our answer is NO…. Dark vagina is not a symptom of unhealthy vagina. Color of your vagina has nothing to do with the color of your other body parts. It may vary from person to person.
Your Vagina is healthy till you are not experiencing any itchiness, redness or foul smell.
Healthy and Lighter skin will help you to gain confidence and inner beauty.
But my vagina was lighter in shade previously, now it changed-why?
It may be because of various reasons which you do not notice while doing things in your daily life
1) Ageing and Hyper pigmentation.
2) Excess production of Melatonin
3) Uncomfortable or tight cloths (wearing synthetic instead of cotton)
4) Using talcum powder on regular basis.
5) Regular shaving of private part
6) Hereditary
7) Hormonal Imbalance
8) Bacterial or Fungal infection
9) Deficiency of important Vitamins
10) Weight gain
11) Uses of unnatural products like synthetic creams or soaps
12) Dry skin and scratching
How can I Lighten my private part?
1) By changing daily habits and maintaining cleanliness
2) Use comfortable cloths, preferably loose and cotton.
3) Keep private part moisturized
4) Regularly clean Intimate area with VIGINI Lightening wash.
5) Healthy and Regular diet.
6) Maintain good body weight
7) Reduce usage of talcum powder and razor on regular basis.
8) Use products with Natural Actives to reverse changes.
Direction of use: Wash
Take a small portion of Vigini Lightening wash and gently rub through your private part and wash with water thoroughly. Can be safely used during periods and pregnancy.
When to use: As we brush our teeth daily a day for good oral hygiene we should maintain a daily routine for Vaginal hygiene as well. This should be used at the time of bathing, after urination and after sexual intercourse.
Vigini whitening wash helps lighten Intimate area
- Helps maintain pH balance of 4.5 and reduce darkness to provide fresh, glowing and lighten skin.
• Its regular usage helps to fight yeast infection and keep vaginal health.
• Removes foul smell and maintains odor free vagina.
• Reduces itching and redness.
- If any allergic reaction starts, stop using and consult doctor immediately.
- Not for children below 12years • Do not take internally.
V-tightening & Whitening Gel
Due to aging almost all our body parts gets affected adversely, so is our Vagina. Due to child birth or causes of aging the Vagina starts loosing it’s natural tightness and starts to loosen up. Women with more than one Vaginal birth are more likely to have weakened vaginal muscles. However, aging can cause your vagina to stretch slightly, regardless of whether you’ve had children.
Besides Vaginal loosening a common issue of Vaginal darkness is also present in large no. of women. This results in lack of confidence and embarrassment while having intercourse. Use of synthetic or chemically designed creams or soaps may result in aggravated consequences like itching , redness, dryness etc and thus may end in lack of interest in having sex..
It is utmost important that we carefully choose products that are Natural and are scientifically designed for use on our most intimate parts.
How Vigini helps to reduce these vaginal problems
Vigini Tightening and Whitening Gel is developed as a three in one solution. It contains V tightening actives like Majuphal, Collagen, Curcuma Comosa which helps to form new tissues and also develop new cells. It helps to tighten muscles, create youthfulness of vaginal skin. Natural Ingredients like Amla, SAP Powder helps reduce pigmentation and lighten the skin around the vaginal area. Aloe Vera extract, Majuphal Extract nourish skin, keep it moisturized and help in sexual arousal. It also act as Lubricating agent during sex and even give you instant pleasure while having intercourse.
Directions to use:
Take a sizeable portion of V tightening and whitening gel and apply around the vaginal area. Use it on regular basis to see early results. You can also use it as Lube while having sex.
• Moisturize vagina and sensitize while having sex
• Work as lube during intercourse
• Tighten vagina instantly and help to regain its natural form.
• Reduces darkness around the vaginal area and boost confidence
• Its regular usage helps to fight with yeast infection and keep vaginal healthy.
• Remove foul smell and maintain odor free vagina.
• If any allergic reaction starts, stop using and consult doctor immediately.
• Not for children below 12years
What are Vaginal problems
Vaginal problems are common amongst middle aged women. 75% of women suffer from vaginal problems on daily basis. These problems can be related to menstrual cycles, sex, infection, birth control methods, aging, medicines, or changes after pregnancy. Vaginal problems may include abnormal discharge, dryness, itchiness, darkness, loose vagina and pain during sex. Many ignore as it may be embarrassing to discuss with others others . Vaginal problems should not be ignored. Vaginal problem creates discomfort, lack of confidence, mood swing, irritation and lack of interest in having sex.
Vaginal problem generally start with ageing, when you age many changes occur in your body which cause hormonal imbalance. Hormonal imbalance causes losing elasticity of skin, irregular menstrual cycle, lack of energy and many more but in women one major issue is vaginal related problems.
Three major issues of women related to vagina is Dryness Darkness and Loose vagina
Vaginal Loosening
When it’s difficult to reach orgasm and your partner does not enjoy sex and you find it difficult to turn him on, this may be the sign of loose vagina The common reasons are:
You may begin to see a change in your vagina’s elasticity starting in your 40s. That’s because your estrogen levels will begin to drop as you enter the perimenopausal stage.
A loss of estrogen means your vaginal tissue will become:
- thinner
- drier
- less acidic
- less stretchy or flexible
These changes may become more noticeable once you reach full menopause.
It’s natural for your vagina to change after a vaginal delivery. After all, your vaginal muscles stretch in order to let your baby pass through the birth canal and out of your vagina’s entrance.
After your baby is born, you may notice that your vagina feels slightly looser than its usual form. That’s completely normal. Your vagina should start to snap back a few days after giving birth, although it may not return to its original shape completely.
If you’ve had multiple childbirths, your vaginal muscles are more likely to lose a little bit of elasticity. If you’re uncomfortable with this, there are exercises you can do to strengthen your vaginal floor muscles before, during, and after pregnancy.
Vaginal Darkness
Another vaginal related problem is darkening. It creates lack of confidence with partner and embarrassment. Vaginal skin is too sensitive and thin , using face whitening cream may irritate vaginal issues and cause itching and rashes. Washing with aggressive soaps may lead to removal of useful bacteria and bleaching can irritate sensitive skin.
Vaginal Dryness
Dryness is a problem in middle aged women, there are various reasons for vaginal dryness from which one is menopause. Menopause reduces estrogen level in the body, also disturbs the pH level which result in vagina related problems. Other than these there are several reasons for vaginal dryness like pregnancy, too much douching, medication, alkaline soaps, sexual problem, surgeries and many more. Dryness may cause problem in your sex life and can reduce interest in having sex with your partner because dryness creates pain and discomfort in women and creates friction for both partners.
You need to become a well aware/educated women to address these issues and choose products which are Natural and are scientifically designed with proper care to give best results by addressing your intimate issues.
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